

About Hammam

If you're looking for a unique travel experience, a visit to a hammam is a must. Granada's hammam, located in the Albayzín district, is one of the oldest and most renowned in the country. What is a hammam? A hammam is a traditional Turkish bathhouse. It's a place where you can relax and rejuvenate in a steamy, scented environment. What can I expect at a hammam? When you arrive at the hammam, you'll be given a locker and a towel. You can then head to the steam room. The hammam is a communal experience, so be prepared to be completely naked with other people. You can then enjoy a variety of treatments, such as massages and soaks. Is the hammam experience appropriate for everyone? No, the hammam experience is not appropriate for everyone. If you're pregnant, have high blood pressure, or are claustrophobic, you may want to avoid it.

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