Rani Ki Vav

Rani Ki Vav

About Rani Ki Vav

Patan Rani ki Vav is a stepwell located in Patan, Gujarat, India. It was built in the 11th century AD and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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Architecture of Rani Ka Vav

The architecture of Rani Ka Vav is an example of a stepped well. It is divided into three sections, with the bottom section being the largest. The well is decorated with carved panels and images of Hindu gods and goddesses.

Facts About Rani ki Vav

Rani ki Vav (Queen’s Stepwell) is a stepwell located in the Patan city of Gujarat, India. It is situated on the banks of Saraswati River. The stepwell was built in the 11th century and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Historical Significance

Patan is an important historical city in Nepal. It was once the capital of the Newari kingdom and is home to many ancient temples and monuments.

How to Reach Rani ki Vav

Rani ki Vav is located in Patan city in Gujarat. The best way to reach Rani ki Vav is to take a bus from Ahmedabad and then take a taxi from Patan.

Need to Know

Patan is a city located in the southern part of Nepal. It is the second largest city in Nepal, and is the home of many of the country's artists and artisans. The city is also known for its religious sites and temples.

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