Train journeys are free! Since 73 years, this Indian train has provided free rides.

Train journeys are free! Since 73 years, this Indian train has provided free rides.

Source : Times Travel
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Have you ever boarded a train without purchasing a ticket? Well, there could be many people who have done it, and many more who have considered it. When it comes to entering a train without a ticket, be aware that if you are found, you will be fined and, in some cases, imprisoned.
To cut to the chase, you'll be pleased to learn that there is one train in the country that transports people for free. While it may appear to be a good deal to you, passengers on the Bhakra Railway Train have been getting free rides for the past 73 years.
People utilize this unique train to go between Nangal and Bhakar, which runs along the Punjab-Himachal Pradesh border. As previously stated, there is no need to buy tickets to board this train.
The Bhakra-Nangal railway service began in 1948, according to accounts. Because there was no means to move between Nangal and Bhakar during the construction of the Bhakra Nangal dam, the need for a special railway became apparent. As a result, it was decided to construct a railway track along the route to simplify the transportation of both heavy gear and passengers.
The train was originally powered by steam engines, which were subsequently replaced in 1953 with engines imported from America. The train has been running with its 60-year-old engines since then. While the train's seats resemble colonial-era wooden benches, each coach is one-of-a-kind and manufactured in Karachi, according to reports.
The train passes through the Shivalik Hills before arriving at the Nehla station on its way to the Nangal Dam in Punjab. The train is said to consume 18 to 20 litres of fuel per hour, but the Bhakra Beas Management Board has decided to keep it services for free.
Although the BBNM considered eliminating the free ride owing to financial constraints, they soon realized that the train represented more than just a source of revenue.
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