How To Reach Gir National Park

How to reach Gir National Park by flight

Gir National Park is not accessible by flight.

How to reach Gir National Park by road

Gir National Park is located in Gujarat state and can be reached by road from Ahmedabad, the nearest city.

How to reach Gir National Park by train

The nearest railway station to Gir National Park is Junagadh Junction. Junagadh Junction is well connected to major cities like Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Rajkot and Veraval.

How to reach Gir National Park by bus

Gir National Park is well connected by bus. There are buses from Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Junagadh and Somnath.

Local transport in Gir National Park

There is no public transport inside Gir National Park. The best way to get around is to hire a private guide or taxi.

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