How To Reach Hue

How to Reach Hue from India

Hue is located in central Vietnam and can be reached by air, bus, or train.

How to reach Hue by flight

The nearest airport to Hue is in Da Nang, which is about a one hour drive away. There are several flights a day from Da Nang to Hue.

How to reach Hue by road

There are a few options for travelling to Hue by road. The most popular option is to take a bus from Da Nang or Hoi An. There are also buses from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

How to reach Hue by train

Hue can be reached by train from Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City.

How to reach Hue by bus

There are many buses that travel to Hue from different parts of Vietnam. The most popular route is from Ho Chi Minh City.

How to reach Hue by Waterways

There is no waterways route to Hue.

Local transport in Hue

There is a bus system and also motorbike taxis.

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