How To Reach Mong Cai

How to Reach Mong Cai from India

There is no direct flight or train from India to Mong Cai. However, there are connecting flights available from Delhi and other major cities in India to Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. From Hanoi, there are connecting flights available to Mong Cai.

How to reach Mong Cai by flight

The nearest airport to Mong Cai is Quang Ninh Airport.

How to reach Mong Cai by road

The best way to reach Mong Cai from Hanoi is to take National Highway 1A, which is about 207 kilometers long. The journey usually takes about three hours.

How to reach Mong Cai by bus

The only direct bus route from Hanoi to Mong Cai is the QL1A. The bus departs from the Kim Ma bus station in Hanoi and arrives at the Mong Cai bus station. There are also buses from other major cities in Vietnam, such as Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City, that will stop in Mong Cai.

Local transport in Mong Cai

There is no railway and only a few bus routes in Mong Cai. The most popular way to get around is by motorbike or taxi.

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