How To Reach Rajmachi

How to reach Rajmachi by flight

The nearest airport is Pune airport. You can take a taxi or bus from the airport to Rajmachi.

How to reach Rajmachi by road

Rajmachi is easily accessible from Lonavala. The route is Mumbai-Pune Expressway to Lonavala and then take the road towards Khandala. After Khandala, take a right turn towards Rajmachi village. The entire journey is about 60 kms.

How to reach Rajmachi by train

Rajmachi is a small village located in the Sahyadri mountain range. The village is not connected by rail. The nearest railway station is Lonavala, which is about 11 km away from the village.

Local transport in Rajmachi

There is no public transport in Rajmachi. Visitors need to arrange for their own transportation to and from the village.

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