How To Reach Sambalpur

How to reach Sambalpur by flight

The nearest airport to Sambalpur is in Bhubaneswar. Bhubaneswar airport is well connected to all the major cities in India.

How to reach Sambalpur by road

Sambalpur is well connected to all the major cities in India by road. NH 6 passes through Sambalpur and connects it to Kolkata in the east and Mumbai in the west. NH 42 also connects Sambalpur to Bhubaneswar in the east.

How to reach Sambalpur by train

Sambalpur is well connected by railways. The nearest railway station is Sambalpur Junction.

Local transport in Sambalpur

Sambalpur is well-connected by road and rail. The Sambalpur Railway Station is the main railway station in the city. The station is well-connected to all major cities in India. The Sambalpur Bus Station is the main bus station in the city. The bus station is well-connected to all major cities in Odisha.

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