Basilica Of Bom Jesus

Basilica Of Bom Jesus

The Basilica of Bom Jesus is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most popular tourist destinations in Goa, India. The basilica is dedicated to the Infant Jesus and is known for its exquisite 16th century Portuguese-era architecture and its priceless collection of Christian sculptures and paintings.

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Architecture of Basilica of Bom Jesus

The Basilica of Bom Jesus is a Baroque-style church located in Goa, India. The church is dedicated to the Infant Jesus. The architecture of the basilica is characterized by its use of columns, pilasters, and arches.

Professed House of Bom Jesus

The Bom Jesus Basilica in Goa is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is considered to be one of the most important churches in India. The Basilica is dedicated to the Infant Jesus and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Goa.

Modern Art Gallery

There is no specific Modern Art Gallery in Goa. However, there are a few art galleries in the state that exhibit modern art. Prominent among these are Gallery Gitanjali in Panaji and Kala Academy in Margao.

History of the Oldest Church in Goa

The first Portuguese missionaries to arrive in Goa in the early 16th century, erected a small chapel on the site of the present-day Basilica of Bom Jesus. This original chapel was replaced by a larger structure in the 17th century. The present-day Basilica was consecrated in 1761.

How to reach Basilica of Bom Jesus

One can reach the Basilica of Bom Jesus by taxi or bus from Panaji, the state capital of Goa.

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