Surya Mandir

Surya Mandir

About Surya Mandir

Nalanda Surya Mandir is a Hindu temple located in the town of Nalanda, in the Indian state of Bihar. The temple is dedicated to the Sun god, Surya, and is one of the most important pilgrimage destinations in Bihar. The temple is said to have been founded by the Gupta dynasty in the 5th century AD, and has been continuously in use ever since. The temple complex is a large rectangular enclosure, surrounded by a wall and a series of gates. The main temple is a large, elaborately carved structure, with a pyramidal roof. The temple is dedicated to Surya, the Hindu sun god, and is one of the most important pilgrimage destinations in Bihar. The temple is said to have been founded by the Gupta dynasty in the 5th century AD, and has been continuously in use ever since. The temple complex is a large rectangular enclosure, surrounded by a wall and a series of gates. The main temple is a large, elaborately carved structure, with a pyramidal roof. The temple is dedicated to Surya, the Hindu sun god, and is one of the most important pilgrimage destinations in Bihar.

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