How To Reach Raichak

How to reach Raichak by flight

The nearest airport to Raichak is Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport. You can reach Raichak from the airport by hiring a taxi or taking a bus.

How to reach Raichak by road

There is no direct road connectivity to Raichak. The nearest town is Diamond Harbour which is about 30 km away. One can take a bus from Kolkata to Diamond Harbour and then take a rickshaw or taxi to Raichak.

How to reach Raichak by train

The nearest railway station to Raichak is Barrackpore which is located around 9km away from the town. One can hire a taxi or autorickshaw from the station to reach Raichak.

Local transport in Raichak

There is no local transport in Raichak. However, there are a few auto rickshaws that can be hired for travelling within the town.

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