Maniar Matth

Maniar Matth

About Maniar Matth

Rajgir is a city and a municipality in Nalanda district in the Indian state of Bihar. Rajgir is located in the Nalanda district. It is situated in the Patna-Gaya belt, and is about 65 kilometres from Patna, the capital of Bihar. It is also known as Rajgir Maniar Matth. Tourist spots in Rajgir The tourist spots in Rajgir are: 1. Venu Vana: This is a forest area where the venu tree (Ficus religiosa) is found in abundance. 2. Bimbisara's Prison: This is a prison made of stone where King Bimbisara of the Magadha dynasty was imprisoned by his son, Ajatashatru. 3. Nalanda University: This is an ancient university that was once one of the largest in the world. 4. The Sun Temple: This temple is dedicated to the Sun god, Surya. 5. The Japanese Stupa: This is a Buddhist stupa built by the Japanese in the late 1990s. 6. The Griddhakuta Hill: This is a hill located near the city of Rajgir. It is also known as the Vulture's Peak.

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