How To Reach Rourkela

How to reach Rourkela by flight

The nearest airport to Rourkela is the Rourkela Airport which is located at a distance of about 9.5 kilometers from the city center. There are several domestic airlines that operate flights to Rourkela from various cities in India.

How to reach Rourkela by road

Rourkela is well connected by road to other parts of Odisha and to the neighbouring states of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand. NH-6 passes through the city.

How to reach Rourkela by train

Rourkela is well connected by train. You can reach Rourkela by train from Howrah, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, and Kolkata.

How to reach Rourkela by bus

There are a number of buses that travel to Rourkela from nearby cities. You can also take a bus from Rourkela to other nearby cities.

Local transport in Rourkela

Rourkela has a comprehensive bus service that connects all parts of the city. There are also auto-rickshaws and cycle-rickshaws for shorter distances.

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