How To Reach Sawantwadi

2600 to 5500
1 to 2 Days
Best time to visit

How to reach Sawantwadi by flight

The nearest airport to Sawantwadi is the Goa International Airport. The airport is located at a distance of around 183 km from Sawantwadi. There are regular flights to and from the airport to major cities in India.

How to reach Sawantwadi by road

Sawantwadi is well connected by road to all major cities in Maharashtra. There are regular buses from Mumbai, Pune, Kolhapur, and other nearby cities.

How to reach Sawantwadi by train

Sawantwadi is reachable from Mumbai by train. There are several trains that ply between the two cities. The journey takes about 9 hours.

Local transport in Sawantwadi

There is no railway station in Sawantwadi. The nearest railway station is Kudal railway station, which is around 36 km away from Sawantwadi. Sawantwadi is well connected by road to all major towns and cities in Maharashtra.

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