How To Reach Shimoga

How to reach Shimoga (Shivamogga) by flight

The nearest airport to Shimoga (Shivamogga) is the Kempegowda International Airport in Bangalore. Shimoga (Shivamogga) is about 190 km from Bangalore. There are several flights from Bangalore to Shimoga (Shivamogga).

How to reach Shimoga (Shivamogga) by road

NH206 or SHIMOGA-KARWAR road passes through Shimoga. It is well connected to Bangalore, Mangalore and Goa.

How to reach Shimoga (Shivamogga) by train

There is no railway station in Shimoga. The nearest railway station is in Shimoga Town, which is about 15 km from Shimoga. Shimoga Town railway station is well connected to other parts of Karnataka by passenger and express trains.

Local transport in Shimoga (Shivamogga)

There is no metro or railway in Shimoga. The nearest railway station is Shimoga Town railway station which is around 10 km away. The nearest airport is Mangalore airport which is around 130 km away. There are bus services to different parts of Shimoga and also to neighbouring towns and cities.

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