How To Reach Tura

Best time to visit

By Air

The nearest airport to Tura is the Guwahati airport. There are direct flights from Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai to Guwahati.

By Road

The nearest major city to Tura is Guwahati. Tura is well connected by road to Guwahati and other smaller towns and villages in the region. There are a number of bus services that ply between Guwahati and Tura. The journey from Guwahati to Tura takes around 5-6 hours.

By Rail

The nearest railway station to Tura is the Guwahati Railway Station in Assam. From Guwahati, you can take a taxi or bus to Tura, which is approximately a 6 to 7-hour journey by road.

Local transport in Tura

There is no public transport in Tura, so visitors will need to rely on taxis, rickshaws, or their own vehicles to get around.

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