Philopappos monument

Philopappos monument

About Philopappos monument

This Philopappos Monument is a massive and imposing structure located in the Philopappos Hill in Athens, Greece. The monument was erected in 114-116 AD in honor of the Roman Senator and friend of the Emperor Trajan, Gaius Julius Philopappos. The Philopappos Monument is a massive and imposing structure located in the Philopappos Hill in Athens, Greece. The monument was erected in 114-116 AD in honor of the Roman Senator and friend of the Emperor Trajan, Gaius Julius Philopappos. The Philopappos Monument is a massive and imposing structure located in the Philopappos Hill in Athens, Greece. The monument was erected in 114-116 AD in honor of the Roman Senator and friend of the Emperor Trajan, Gaius Julius Philopappos. The Philopappos Monument is a massive and imposing structure located in the Philopappos Hill in Athens, Greece. The monument was erected in 114-116 AD in honor of the Roman Senator and friend of the Emperor Trajan, Gaius Julius Philopappos. The Philopappos Monument is a massive and imposing structure located in the Philopappos Hill in Athens, Greece. The monument was erected in 114-116 AD in honor of the Roman Senator and friend of the Emperor Trajan, Gaius Julius Philopappos.

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Best Time To Visit Philopappos monument

The Philopappos Monument is open to visitors from 8:00am to sunset.

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