Batha Beel

Batha Beel

About Batha Beel

Darang Batha Beel is a small village in the Bongaigaon district of Assam. The village is known for its natural beauty and the beel or lake that surrounds it. The village is also home to a number of temples, including the Shiva Temple and the Kali Temple. The main attraction in Darang Batha Beel is the beel or lake that surrounds the village. The beel is a beautiful sight, and it is a popular spot for fishing and swimming. The village is also home to a number of temples, including the Shiva Temple and the Kali Temple. The Shiva Temple is the most popular temple in the village, and it is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva. The Kali Temple is dedicated to the Hindu goddess Kali, and it is a popular spot for worshippers. The best time to visit Darang Batha Beel is during the winter months, when the weather is cooler and the beel is at its most beautiful.

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