How To Reach Dong Hoi

How to Reach Dong Hoi from India

There is no direct flight from India to Dong Hoi. However, you can take a flight to either Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City and then take a connecting flight to Dong Hoi.

How to reach Dong Hoi by flight

There are no direct flights from Ho Chi Minh City to Dong Hoi. You can fly to Dong Hoi from Hanoi or Danang.

How to reach Dong Hoi by road

Dong Hoi is connected to the National Highway 1A and the National Highway 15.

How to reach Dong Hoi by train

Dong Hoi railway station is connected to the main Hanoi-Ho Chi Minh City railway line. There are several trains available daily from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, with a journey time of around 10 hours.

How to reach Dong Hoi by bus

There is no direct bus from Dong Hoi to Hue. You can take a bus from Dong Hoi to Phong Nha and then take a bus from Phong Nha to Hue.

Local transport in Dong Hoi

There is a bus service in Dong Hoi, but no trains.

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