Temple of Seti I

Temple of Seti I

About Temple of Seti I

The Luxor Temple of Seti I is a magnificent ancient Egyptian temple located on the east bank of the Nile River in the city of Luxor. It was built by the pharaoh Seti I in the late 19th century BC and is dedicated to the god Amun. The temple is situated in the large temple complex known as the Karnak Temple Complex, which is also home to the world’s largest religious building, the Temple of Karnak. The Luxor Temple of Seti I is a beautiful and impressive structure, made from sandstone and limestone. It consists of a large pylon, or gateway, which leads to a hypostyle hall, with a roof supported by 134 columns. The walls of the temple are decorated with scenes from the life of Seti I and from the mythology of Amun. The Luxor Temple of Seti I is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Luxor and is a must-see for anyone visiting the city. It is open daily from 8am to 4pm.

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