How To Reach Rajahamundry

How to reach Rajahmundry by flight

The nearest airport to Rajahmundry is the Vijayawada Airport. It is located at a distance of around 146 km from the city. There are regular flights from major cities like Chennai, Hyderabad, and Bangalore to Vijayawada. From Vijayawada, you can take a taxi or bus to Rajahmundry.

How to reach Rajahmundry by road

Rajahmundry can be reached by road from Hyderabad and Vijayawada. The distance from Hyderabad is about 350 km and from Vijayawada is about 190 km.

How to reach Rajahmundry by train

Rajahmundry railway station is a junction station on the Howrah-Chennai main line and Vijayawada-Chennai line. There are direct trains from Rajahmundry to Howrah, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, and other cities.

How to reach Rajahmundry by Waterways

Rajahmundry is connected to other parts of the country by waterways. There are regular boat services available from Rajahmundry to Vijayawada, Hyderabad and other destinations.

Local transport in Rajahmundry

There is no metro or bus service in Rajahmundry. However, there are autos and cabs which are available for local transport.

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