How To Reach BR Hills

How to reach BR Hills by flight

The nearest airport is Kempegowda International Airport in Bengaluru.

How to reach BR Hills by road

The nearest town to BR Hills is Bangalore, which is about 155 km away. There are various ways to reach BR Hills from Bangalore. 1. Drive down to BR Hills from Bangalore. This is the most direct route and takes about 3.5 hours. 2. Take a bus from Bangalore to BR Hills. There are a few buses that ply this route and the journey takes about 4 hours. 3. Take a train from Bangalore to Maddur and then take a bus from Maddur to BR Hills. This is the cheapest option, but the journey takes about 5.5 hours.

How to reach BR Hills by train

There is no railway line to BR Hills. The nearest railway station is Bangalore City railway station, which is about 83 km away from BR Hills.

How to reach BR Hills by bus

There are buses from Bangalore to BR Hills. Alternatively, one can also take a bus to Chamarajanagar and then take a taxi to BR Hills.

Local transport in BR Hills

There is no local transport in BR Hills.

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