How To Reach Nandi Hills

12000 to 18000
5 to 10 Days
Best time to visit

How to reach Nandi Hills by flight

The nearest airport to Nandi Hills is Kempegowda International Airport, Bengaluru. Kempegowda International Airport is located at a distance of around 54 km from Nandi Hills.

How to reach Nandi Hills by road

Nandi Hills is located at a distance of around 60 km from Bangalore. There are a number of ways to reach Nandi Hills from Bangalore. One can take a bus from Majestic Bus Stand in Bangalore or drive down to Nandi Hills.

How to reach Nandi Hills by train

Nandi Hills can be reached from Bangalore by train. There are two ways to reach there - either take a train to Nelamangala and then take a bus to Nandi Hills or take a train to Chikballapur and then take a bus to Nandi Hills.

Local transport in Nandi Hills

There is no public transport in Nandi Hills. Visitors can hire taxis or autos from Bangalore to reach Nandi Hills.

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