Diamond Harbour

Diamond Harbour

About Diamond Harbour

Railway Station: Railway station is the main transportation system in India. The main railway station in Diamond Harbour is located in Raichak. Bus Station: There is no bus station in Diamond Harbour. The nearest bus station is located in Raichak. Airport: The nearest airport is located in Kolkata.

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History of Diamond Harbour

The history of Diamond Harbour dates back to the pre-historic era. The area was inhabited by the aboriginal Santhal community. The region came under the control of the British East India Company in the early 18th century. The town was developed as a port to facilitate trade with the Far East. The town was also used as a military garrison. The Diamond Harbour Fort was built in the early 19th century to protect the town from possible attacks by the French. The town was also hit by a devastating cyclone in 1876. The town was later developed as a major railway terminus. The Diamond Harbour Railway Station was opened in 1884. The town was also hit by a major earthquake in 1934. The Diamond Harbour Road was built in the late 1930s to provide better connectivity to the town.

Picnic at Diamond Harbour

There is no specific picnic spot at Diamond Harbour. However, one can enjoy a picnic at the Harishchandragarh Fort or by the river Hooghly.

Favorable season to visit

The best time to visit Raichak is during the winter months when the weather is cool and pleasant.

Best Time To Visit Diamond Harbour

The best time to visit Diamond Harbour is from November to February.

How To Reach Diamond Harbour

By Rail The nearest railway station is at Diamond Harbour which is around 8 km from the town. There are regular trains from Sealdah and Howrah railway stations. By Road Diamond Harbour is well connected by road to the neighbouring towns and cities. NH 34 passes through Diamond Harbour and connects it to Kolkata and other important towns and cities in the state.

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