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Matrineal Society

The Shillong Mawlynnong Matrineal Society is a women's organization in the Indian state of Meghalaya. It was formed in 1988 to promote the social and economic welfare of women in the region. The society has worked to promote education and literacy among women, and to improve the health and livelihoods of its members. It has also worked to promote the rights of women and to combat discrimination and violence against them.


There is no specific answer to this question as the level of sanitation in Shillong may vary from one area to another. However, in general, Shillong is said to have a good level of sanitation, with most areas being clean and well-maintained.

Places to Visit in Mawlynnong

Mawlynnong is a small village located in the East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya, India. The village is known for its cleanliness and natural beauty. It is also known as the "God's Own Garden". Some of the places to visit in Mawlynnong include the following: • Mawlynnong Falls: This waterfall is located close to the village and is a popular tourist attraction. • Riwai Viewpoint: This is another popular tourist attraction in Mawlynnong. It offers a panoramic view of the village and the surrounding hills. • Living Root Bridges: These bridges are made of the aerial roots of rubber trees and are a major tourist attraction in Mawlynnong. • balancing Rock: This rock is located close to the village and is a popular tourist attraction.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Shillong is during the months of October to February when the weather is cool and pleasant.

How To Reach Mawlynnong

Mawlynnong is a small village located in the East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya. It is well connected by road and is about 83 km from Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya.

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