How To Reach Churu

How to reach Churu by flight

The nearest airport to Churu is Jaipur International Airport. Jaipur is about 190 km away from Churu. There are several flights from different parts of the country to Jaipur.

How to reach Churu by road

The nearest airport to Churu is in Jaipur and the nearest railway station is in Churu.

How to reach Churu by train

The nearest railway station to Churu is Sadulpur railway station. Sadulpur railway station is at a distance of 16 km from Churu. Churu railway station is also at a distance of 16 km from Churu.

Local transport in Churu

There is no specific transport system in Churu. However, there are a few buses that ply between Churu and other nearby towns.

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